Sunday, December 15, 1991

This week Vinnie introduced me to three really brilliant healers, Moe, Larry, and Curly. They taught me that medicine may heal the body, but laughter heals the soul.

Sunday, December 1, 1991

Spent Saturday night proving the art of conversation is not dead... maybe just a little more expensive. A small price to pay for finding a new best friend.

Friday, October 11, 1991

This week I butted heads with a very stubborn, closed- minded person. I'm just glad I had the sense to realize that it was me.

Saturday, September 28, 1991

Everyone has a sacred dream. Will's dream is the most sacred of I guess some sacred dreams are just more sacred then others.

Monday, February 11, 1991

This year, our annual father- son vacation included an extra "son". Vinnie climbed a long way with my take a small step with his.

Saturday, January 26, 1991

The best success is ussually the one you risk the most to acheive. But tonight I learned that sometimes just taking the risk is it's own reward.